Christina’s Twitter Reply Decision Tree

CMQ Twitter Reply Decision Tree

You ever have one of those moments where you see a Tweet/LinkedIn/Facebook post, and it strikes a nerve. You click "comment" and are ready to give the original poster a piece of your mind? Please don't do this!

Before responding think about the following 

  1. Will my response be helpful? - If you are offering advice, is it warranted? Think about how your comment is beneficial.   

  2. Will my response be constructive? - See point #1 + am I providing valuable feedback that the original poster can use to improve? 

  3. Am I just looking for a distraction/to pick a fight - also known as there is no value in what I am about to say, I am angry at this person I have never met for sharing something that has absolutely nothing to do with me? 

Don't get me wrong. I am human after all, and so I understand that impulsivity is a factor; however, I try to be intentional about my words. Always remember that you never know what people are going through, and your comment may/may not hurt or help the human behind the screen. 

Before I respond or comment on a post, I go through a similar mental flow. Doing so keeps me more on the proactive versus reactive side [and lowers my stress level]. Hope it helps.

Let me know what other strategies help you “remain calm and carry on." 


Christina @ Identiverse 2020